When going through high school, basketball was a great game to play with my mates, whether it was 1 v 1 or up to 5 v 5. We enjoyed hours shooting hoops and one particular friend (Matt) was always that little bit better than us. He seemed to be able to score from anywhere. We believed he had this natural ability and always scored more hoops than the rest of us.
It was worse when we hit the arcade and played the electronic basketball arcade game – He used to shoot so many in a row, we very rarely beat his score. Matt did have great ability, but he also had great dedication. Matt practised his shooting to help him improve his game.
Below are 5 basketball shooting tips that you can quickly practice to help improve your general basketball game or your indoor electronic arcade basketball game.
Arcade Basketball Shooting tips
1. Eyes
Make sure you are looking at the hoop. Seems obvious right? You will be surprised at how many beginners look at their hands before and during the shot and then watch the ball as it travels towards the target. Keep your eye on the hoop as early as possible.
2. Feet position
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. If you are right-handed, move your right foot, half a foot forward. If you are left-handed move your left foot, half a foot forward. Make sure your knees are bent and you are leaning slightly forward from the hips.
3. Hand Position
Your shooting hand should be centred under the ball with a flexed wrist. Move the ball so that the air hole is in the middle and place your middle finger and the index finger on opposites sides of the air hall. Your fingers should be evenly spread and your palm should not be touching the ball. Your other hand will be to the side of the ball and only acts as a guide or stabilizer.
4. Arm Position
At the start of the shot, your arm will be bent with your elbow under the ball and in line with the hoop. The shot starts by moving the ball vertically up. At the same time you start moving upwards with your body and knees. Always keep the ball in front of you and not to the side or behind your head. Release the ball when your arm is near full extension but before fully straight.
5. The Finish
At the finish position your throwing arm will remain straight, your wrist will be soft / loose with your fingers hanging down but in-line with the basket rim. Hold this position until the ball hits the target.
So there you have it – 5 quick and simple tips to improve your basketball shooting when playing basketball, or for our favourite basketball game, the indoor electronic basketball arcade game. The only difference being you will need to shoot rapidly for the arcade version.
Michaela Hemsley says
Thanks for the arcade basketball shooting tips. My son is thinking about going to the arcade for his next birthday. I will have to pass this article along so that he can be ready to play his best game when that day comes.